Standing Desks & Hot Desking

Standing desks are the perfect way to alleviate pressure that results from being seated too long. Standing desks promote greater blood flow around the body and stretch the muscles in your back – reducing compression on discs.
Standing desks also encourage greater activity, generating greater blood flow around the body and higher blood oxygen levels – generating increased productivity. When regularly alternating from seating to standing positions, this also burns more calories – giving a greater feeling of wellbeing.
Electric Standing Desks
With the simple touch of a button on electric standing desks the desk raises from a seated to standing position within seconds.
Height Adjustable Mobile Standing Workstations
These standing desk alternatives sit on top of an existing desk and are manually raised to offer a seated to standing position. These are ideal in situations where the existing desk can't be removed and are available in models from both Ergotron & Varidesk.
Standing Desk Types
There are various types of standing desks available for various requirements. There are Conset electric standing desks which have a range of models with varying weight limits and features such as the 501-49 standing desk which does not have a crossbeam – making it ideal for office environments where pedestals are required.
Conset standing desks such as the Conset 501-11 standing desk with a weight limit of 150kg are perfect for industrial environments where standing to work is commonplace.
The Varidesk and Ergotron WorkFit height adjustable mobile workstations provide an alternative standing desk. By sitting on top of existing desks, they are manually adjusted and can be transferred from one desk to another – effectively offering a standing desk wherever one is required.
Standing desks & Hot desking
By choosing an electric or manually adjusted mobile standing desk, ergonomics become possible with hot-desking. People are able to adjust the desk and workstation to a height that suits them and then transform it into a standing desk, no matter what the height requirements